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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. Gary Motykie, Beverly Hills

Beautiful result!

You Tube Channel for Mr. Motykie

Dr. Motykie Beverly Hills California Before and After Photos

Nose like mine, beautiful result.

I was first drawn to Dr. Gary Motykie in Beverly Hills California by these before and after photos which showed me a before similar to my situation. In the videos above he preforms endonasal rhinoplasty on twins (the woman pictured is one of the twins) and does so improving their appearance dramatically.

I feel like the nose may not be centered anymore? Seems to be leaning to our left?
Profile is good.

Somehow the after seems a little too upturned? Maybe too much nostril?

A big improvement, but my gut is telling me that a more curved slope on the profile would have suited her better.
Very lovely (her chin shape is also changed).
There is a stronger shadow on the left side (our left) which may indicate asymmetry, or perhaps not. Appearance is much improved.

Appearance much improved. Photo is sadly distorted.

I am not sure I like that more nostril is showing, but overall drastic improvement.


Nice, here again though I wonder if the nose is slightly too upturned? Shape is good.

Improved, but I am not confident about the symmetry. The shadow is deeper on the left than the right side...


The nose may be too upturned by a small degree. Overall much improved.
I feel as though the nose is too upturned. Otherwise improved.

Profile is attractive.

Again much improved, but the tip does perhaps not need to be quite so upturned?

His ratemds.com Ratings

His healthgrades.com Ratings

I have just begun to learn about him but so far I know he was on Dr. 90210...

eonline.com Dr. 90210 Cast

He was accused of contacting Dr. Ryan's patient's after his death.

Dr. Motykie Emails Dr. Ryan's Patients

He was featured on Dr. Phil once (for another type of surgery) and he is quite young.


  1. stay away DR MOTYKIE is a bad bad doctor
    he collape my nose and i lost my smell sense
    i heard he doing photoshop in his before and after pic . he will giveyou many medical problums so stay away from him and also from DR TORIAN from Beverly Hills he trying new petants on his clints
    good luck

    1. Thank you so much for this post! Here, I thought he was the best and the only surgeon I would ever consider. But is he really photoshopping his before/afters?! Please let me know of any good surgeons. I would HATE to lose my sense of smell!

    2. The photo above shows an amazing transformation which is attributed to the nose job. But upon closer examination the after photo shows a reduced chin which is not the procedure listed for this woman. It seems to have been done photographically. What a disappointment.

  2. the 2nd Doc to stay away from is Dr Torkian
    i dont know who gave him his license but he his under close look by the Medical Board of CA
    i belive he has only short time left in his job , he trying new things on his clints .
    he clearing any bad comment on him on line so people will come to him . his days as Doctor are numbers . major U.S magazine working on a big story of his boched work

  3. This is really a thing to consider, thank you very much regarding writing about this subject. . !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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