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Just a beautiful inside girl trying to match up what's within, without.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Journey Begins

Myself Now.

A Video About my Rhiniplasty Needs
I have wanted to have something done about my nose since I was 13, and only now, a decade later, am I finally taking action. For many years I simply assumed that surgery was just too dangerous, too risky. What if I was marred for life and deeply regretted the choice to go under the knife? How would I begin to find the right doctor, someone in whose hands I could place the fate of my face? So, I resigned myself to simply not thinking about my nose. Photos of myself usually didn't meet my approval, or I would gleefully smooth out shadows using photo editing programs to diminish my nose size. But wouldn't it be great if my nose simply was no longer an issue in my life? If I could feel satisfied that I met my personal standards of aesthetic attractiveness and focus on what really matters to me? Art, writing, friends, travel, and, in general, being happy? Alternatively, I could decide to investigate the prospects of surgery, find that it is indeed to risky, and then stop thinking about my nose and focus on the joy in my life. I realized I needed to make a choice. Either do something about it or stop mentally whining.

So, I decided to start looking for doctors. This blog will document that journey. If you are considering plastic surgery of the nose, rhinoplasty, and you would like help on your journey I encourage you to blog here with me. Share your discoveries and experiences. Not all of us can afford to consult with every doctor we may be interested in, so sharing impressions and experiences, especially with those that have similar nose issues, is invaluable.

I am local to California so I may likely wish to begin my search at home. But I am not opposed to travel.

I am going to post information about different doctors as I find it during my journey. I am also making photo albums of the Before and After pictures of doctors that interest me. I encourage interested readers to post comments below the photos. Do you notice irregularities?  What do you think about that doctor's work?

Finding the right doctor for my situation seems it may be a long and winding road, but I am willing to travel it. I would much rather be reading books of poems, hiking or having coffee with friends... but when it comes to elective surgery one must be so careful and force oneself to become an expert on the subject in order to make informed decisions that won't be regretted.

My goal is to find the right doctor, have the surgery and get on with the rest of my life. Or, to find myself at a loss (it's too risky and I can't find a doctor) and decide to no longer trouble myself with an unsolvable problem and get on with the rest of my life.

Let's help each other if we can to make this journey a less tedious and confusing one that leads us to our individual goals! 

Myself as a child with my dad. He gave me many wonderful things but his nose wasn't one of them.

My mother and myself as a child. She's German and has a lovely nose.

Myself Now, for more images of myself and nose please see video.

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